Friday, 23 March 2018

Erasmus Dissemination at schools

A group of students who are participating in two Erasmus projects visited the primary schools of la Llagosta to explain their experiences in the school trips to various countries in Europe as well as what the projects are about.

The students had the chance to meet their older teachers again and address to the younger 
students, mainly 11-year-olds.

We  showed them videos and photographs of different mobilities, both of the SMILE project and the LETSDU. 

At the end of the talk, we gave each student a pencil with "Erasmus" written on it. Here's the presentation that we showed them:

Thursday, 22 March 2018


To be done by all
Web page and 5 blogs linked to it: Student blog on when they felt anxious, were not interested in the class, or failed in a task - with a detailed explanation of what they were thinking at that moment. What other factors outside the class might influence their feelings that way? Specific things they didn’t like in a class - does the teacher speak quickly? Does he give them enough time to answer? Does he write on the blackboard? Is his behaviour inappropriate in students’ minds? The same can be done for successful experiences.) Teacher blog / self-evaluation diary in which they write about particularly good or bad. What went wrong / well? What factors contributed to that? Our own personal situation? Our health? The time of the day? The number of students? The topic? The discipline? Etc
A link to the project webpage will be added on each school’s website to disseminate the activities and mobilities.
Videos showing the activities during the visit by the host country (YouTube)
Video showing how the visitor experienced the visit (YouTube)
Competition: a video lasting up to 2 minutes demonstrating how student motivation can be improved using teaching strategies (‘role play’)  or the best 5 methods of motivate students will be presented in a role play by  mix group of students videotape it and upload it on YouTube.
Competition: a video lasting up to 2 minutes demonstrating how student anxiety can be reduced using teaching strategies (‘role play’) or the best 5 methods  will be presented in a role play by  mix group of students videotape it and upload it on YouTube.
Write up of  the workshops
Article publishing the final results of the project in an educational magazine(s) in the countries involved in the project
Article presenting the results in local newspapers
A publication including examples of motivating lessons for EFL and Science (lesson plans, useful links to different materials or activities which can be used in the classroom, tips for teachers, etc.) what about if we call it good practice for teachers to motivating students……
Possible games that could improve student motivation and reduce anxiety – use of games in the EFL classroom. Ideas of games for language learning.
eTwinning final product
Social media group
Policy recommendations x 5 all going well
Online workshops results transferred to website
PPT of the causes of anxiety in the classroom (based on research, questionnaires and personal experience)
PPT on ways to reduce anxiety in the classroom (based on research, questionnaires and personal experience)
PPT on ways to enhance motivation in the classroom (based on research, questionnaires and personal experience)
A DVD including the videos of lessons produced within the framework of the project as examples of good practice. As a final project
Analysis of a class, after being physically there. Both a student and a teacher observe an English or Science lesson and take notes of the things that work or didn’t work in the lesson.
Debate / discussion / analysis: activities that make our students feel more relaxed and motivated. Teachers have already collected the students’ impressions after doing the activity in class
Emergency brief notes for students to have on their school diaries on what to do in cases of anxiety in the classroom.  They do it themselves.
Written, filmed or recorded interviews from students to other students from other classes about anxiety and motivation (students design the questions, maybe based on other questionnaires OR open ended to allow them to express their personal feelings).


To be done by all
YouTube videos about teaching strategies which boost motivation and reduce anxiety prepare by students
Web page - results published on the school webpages.
Our project Facebook page is made public – or a new page is created for the purpose of dissemination.
School based presentations of results – in local schools.
Teacher conferences or seminars related to the findings – this way other teachers not directly involved in the project gain from our project. They will receive up to date information from the student perspective on which teaching strategies raise motivation and reduce anxiety.
Reports of the results / findings to be presented to the Ministry of Education of each country
Local TV and radio broadcasts – where possible
Erasmus day in the town. Student set a stand in the town and give passers-by information about the project with leaflets, for example.
Article presenting the results in local newspapers
Article published with the final results of the project in educational magazines of the countries involve in the project
Giving copies of the end product to other interested educational organizations - Publishing flyers /brochures as means of final dissemination including the main activities developed and the outcomes        
Presenting the outcomes of the project in the regional magazine / local newspapers for the teachers of foreign languages  / science subjects
Presentation of the project outcomes and short summaries of project meetings in the school magazine 

Tasks to be done after Finland mobility

Following the mobility to Finland, February - June 2018
Activities  by the students / teachers
Outcomes conducted by the students/ teachers
Post-meeting videos of the visit to be made and posted on the webpage
Webpage videos
Poster: students design a poster showing teaching strategies which increase motivation in the EFL (done)
The Cypriot partners organize and plan all activities related to Activity C5
Webinar organized by the Cypriot partners regarding their plans and expectations for C2
Dissemination by all schools of the results of activity C4 as described in the section on dissemination.
Each partner school must document on our webpage how they have done this
Each school informs the project webpages (school, main etc) on how they have disseminated the results and to whom.
Students are split into mixed groups and given a  subtheme/branch for the  “Tree of learning” that will be constructed  during C5. They then work through on line cooperation in order to share and develop ideas.
The groups bring their collective ideas to C5 where they will work together in creating the Tree of learning.
Online workshop related in the  role of interaction and communication between teachers and students for a better learning environment
Article publishing the final results of the project in relation to science  in an educational magazine(s) in the countries involved in the project, as well in the school magazines
The Cypriot partners put together a video in which students and teachers share their experience as members of the project and/or as participants in the project mobilities.
Video to be presented in June